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Strategic Planning for Sustainability
If you look closely at companies that have sustained their operations and profitability over decades, you will note many common attributes. Among them: the ability of their owner (or management teams) to adapt to ever changing business environments, keeping themselves… Continue Reading
An Ounce of Prevention in Preventing Fraud
As the economy shows signs of improvement, we hope that businesses continue to realize growth in revenue and profits. With increased cash flow, business managers and owners must still take care to avoid being victims of fraud – whether internal… Continue Reading
Has Commercial Real Estate Come Back?
It has been widely reported that the commercial real estate market has rebounded and that valuations have slowly come back to their highest levels since the start of the Great Recession. Headlines have trumpeted the sale of trophy assets in… Continue Reading
Funding Nonprofit Sector Growth Strategies
Growth in the nonprofit sector came to a screeching halt in 2008 when the economy went into recession, sending most organizations into survival mode as public and private revenue streams were challenged. For surviving organizations, the challenge now is how… Continue Reading
Trucking: The Uncertain Road Ahead
With the U.S. economic recovery seemingly sputtering to a standstill, the trucking industry appears to be showing at least minimal growth in 2013 and possibly gaining some momentum post recession. That growth is coming as a result of the residential… Continue Reading
What’s in Store for US Agribusiness in 2013?
The 2013 US agribusiness outlook was turned upside down two weeks ago, when the Cinderella story of the past year, “2012 Draught Recovery,” turned into a tale encompassing too much of a good thing with excessive precipitation and cold weather. … Continue Reading
Future for Food Industry Futures
While the 2012 drought may be old news to many, its impact continues to affect countless companies within the food and agribusiness industry. There are, in fact, several sectors of the food industry that could remain in distress in 2013… Continue Reading
10 Survival Strategies for Retailers in 2013
The retail industry is at war for consumer wallets. has overturned the conventional “bricks and mortar” approach to retailing with its technological advances, ability to consolidate orders from multiple vendors, and expansion of its distribution network enabling significantly reduced… Continue Reading
A Ticking Time Bomb: School Debt Hidden Under the Radar
One little known school debt program enshrined in the Michigan Constitution has the potential to dramatically affect taxpayers and future school bond issuance. The School Bond Qualification and Loan program provides Michigan’s credit enhancement to new capital bond issues plus… Continue Reading
Patent Value Correlates Directly to Economic Prosperity
Innovation is central to economic growth, and the United States still ranks high globally on a number of important measures of innovative capacities. A recent report from the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings studied the current state of invention in… Continue Reading