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Project Management – The Most Common Myths
External resources can be a cost effective way of implementing change and addressing poor operating performance. Many businesses often attempt to resolve challenges internally before seeking external assistance., Companies often do not acknowledge that ‘initiatives’ or ‘objectives’ they have defined… Continue Reading
The Great Recession storm looms overhead for many Not For Profits
Many not for profit organizations continue to face great uncertainty as dark clouds formed during the great recession continue to loom overhead. It is hard to believe that Not For Profits continue to weather this storm post recession when for-profit… Continue Reading
Getting Ready to Sell Your Business? – Time To Prepare
Good news for Seller’s is that over the last 18 months the valuation multiples have returned to normal levels and so has leveraged financing that will help fuel transactions. This change positively impacts many sellers who have been patiently waiting… Continue Reading
Positive Results and Caution Seen in Important Middle Market Economic Sector
What are American citizens most concerned about? As a Gallup poll taken in February of this year reported: “Economic issues again lead Gallup’s measure of what Americans see as the most important problem facing the nation.” The Gallup survey results… Continue Reading
Is the Bubble about to Burst in Farmland Prices?
After nearly 20 years of rising farmland prices, the Chicago and St Louis Federal Reserve arms reported the first drop in farmland prices during the first quarter of 2014. There are some key fundamental reasons why this is a lasting… Continue Reading
Pre-Due Diligence
The time to consider getting your business ready to sell is not when you’ve engaged a broker to market what you’ve worked long and hard to build. It’s not when that broker has put together a marketing book and generated… Continue Reading
U.S. Economy May Stutter Step in 2014 Due to Trucking Capacity Constraints
The outlook for the trucking industry should be improving as weak first quarter profits become a blur in the industry’s rear view mirror with a snap back in demand due to warmer temperatures and historical rate increases throughout the industry…. Continue Reading
Cephalon, Inc. v. Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories LTD. and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Inc.
In the ongoing battle to keep generic drugs off the market, Cephalon, Inc. filed suit against Dr. Reddy Laboratories, Ltd. (“DRL”) claiming patent infringement on its TREANDA patent arising from DRL’s filing of an Abbreviated New Drug Application (“ANDA”) to… Continue Reading
Youth Development Key to Detroit’s Restructuring
While the Detroit bankruptcy and related restructuring of debt and retiree obligations are getting the headlines, even more important to Detroit’s long term success is dealing with the very serious social issues facing the City. With up to an estimated… Continue Reading
2014’s Extreme Weather Exposes Underperforming Businesses
Over the last two months, the US economy was literally frozen while the country was shutdown by inclement weather, contributing to declining corporate earnings and the consumption of liquidity as companies struggled to keep the heat on. As temperatures rise… Continue Reading