Category Archives: Uncategorized

Softening the Perception of the Corporation as a Defendant

Softening the Perception of the Corporation as a Defendant

March 2, 2015  | Posted by: Patrick O'Keefe

Why are corporations perceived so poorly in the public eye? Public opinion polls show that 84% of all people believe corporations care only about the bottom line. Mass media feeds this perception by portraying corporations as dishonest and focused only… Continue Reading  

Normalizing Owner’s Compensation

Normalizing Owner’s Compensation

January 19, 2015  | Posted by: Susan Koss

One of the most frequently encountered adjustments in business valuation is the normalization of owner’s compensation. The purpose of normalizing a business’ financial position and results of operations is not to restate the financial statements, but to help the valuator… Continue Reading  

Relief for Landlords and Retailers in Bankruptcy

Relief for Landlords and Retailers in Bankruptcy

December 17, 2014  | Posted by: oadmin

The ABI Commission to Study Reform of Chapter 11 issued its final report on December 1 2014. It has recommended an increase in the time to assume or reject leases from 210 days to 1 year. This is a change… Continue Reading  

Proving Lost Profits in Patent Infringement Cases

Proving Lost Profits in Patent Infringement Cases

October 21, 2014  | Posted by: oadmin

By Dr. Andrew Malec and Susan Koss, Managing Directors at O’Keefe As is the case with most complex commercial litigation matters, patent holders must first prove causality before economic damages are considered. However, patent infringement cases are unique when compared with… Continue Reading  

City of Detroit Bankruptcy

City of Detroit Bankruptcy

October 13, 2014  | Posted by: Patrick O'Keefe

Judge Rhodes, several months ago, expressed concern about whether the City could meet its obligations under the Plan. Since the City and almost all of the creditors were in favor of the spoils provided them in the restructuring plan, the… Continue Reading  

West Michigan Credit Market Update

West Michigan Credit Market Update

October 10, 2014  | Posted by: oadmin

On February 16, the West Michigan subchapter of the Detroit TMA held a panel discussion to update members and guests on the status of the West Michigan credit market. (Link to news story: On hand were representatives of the… Continue Reading  

Migrating to the Cloud – What to Consider

Migrating to the Cloud – What to Consider

September 24, 2014  | Posted by: oadmin

Continued evolutions in the options around Cloud and the possible benefits to be gained are worth revisiting if you have not evaluated Cloud options recently. The pace of obsolescence of hardware and the related on-going cost of support and maintenance… Continue Reading  

3 Great Business Books that You Probably Have Not Read

3 Great Business Books that You Probably Have Not Read

August 27, 2014  | Posted by: oadmin

I didn’t want to write about the “same old business books. Rather, I am highlighting three of my favorite business books that you likely haven’t read. They each look at a different aspect of business; management, marketing and the customer… Continue Reading  

Project Management – The Most Common Myths

Project Management – The Most Common Myths

August 19, 2014  | Posted by: oadmin

External resources can be a cost effective way of implementing change and addressing poor operating performance. Many businesses often attempt to resolve challenges internally before seeking external assistance., Companies often do not acknowledge that ‘initiatives’ or ‘objectives’ they have defined… Continue Reading  

The Great Recession storm looms overhead for many Not For Profits

The Great Recession storm looms overhead for many Not For Profits

July 28, 2014  | Posted by: oadmin

Many not for profit organizations continue to face great uncertainty as dark clouds formed during the great recession continue to loom overhead. It is hard to believe that Not For Profits continue to weather this storm post recession when for-profit… Continue Reading