Category Archives: Uncategorized

Performance Improvement Entails Improving Margin

Performance Improvement Entails Improving Margin

May 14, 2013  | Posted by: Patrick O'Keefe

Based on our recent survey of over 1,000 middle market participants, CEO’s and their senior managers are seeking opportunities to improve revenue and margin. These two components require a separate, yet inclusive strategy as part of the company’s overall business… Continue Reading  

Industry Expertise in Business Valuations

Industry Expertise in Business Valuations

April 18, 2013  | Posted by: Susan Koss

A question that I am often asked by business owners needing a business valuation is: “Do I need a valuation expert with experience in valuing businesses in my specific industry?” In most cases the answer is no. Business valuation experts… Continue Reading  

Economic Update – Are we Heading into a Recession?

Economic Update – Are we Heading into a Recession?

March 11, 2013  | Posted by: Patrick O'Keefe

The accomplishments of our President have been alarmingly few and dismal. We have 35% more people on food stamps. We have more people joining food stamp rolls than payrolls as the total employment has only grown 2% over the same… Continue Reading  

A Ticking Time Bomb: School Debt Hidden Under the Radar

A Ticking Time Bomb: School Debt Hidden Under the Radar

March 4, 2013  | Posted by: oadmin

One little known school debt program enshrined in the Michigan Constitution has the potential to dramatically affect taxpayers and future school bond issuance. The School Bond Qualification and Loan program provides Michigan’s credit enhancement to new capital bond issues plus… Continue Reading  

Detroit’s Financial Problems Can Be Solved

Detroit’s Financial Problems Can Be Solved

February 25, 2013  | Posted by: Patrick O'Keefe

Detroit is in a financial emergency. Many of us in the turnaround and banking industry have known the city’s struggles for years, without ever taking an extensive look at revenue and expenditures. Tuesday’s financial review team announcement confirmed what we… Continue Reading  

What We Need to Kick Start the Economy

What We Need to Kick Start the Economy

January 21, 2013  | Posted by: Patrick O'Keefe

I have enjoyed reading both of Steven Levitt’s Freakonomics books. They highlight how there are unforeseen stimuli that produce certain results we think happen for another reason. O’Keefe works with middle market companies that sometimes experience financial difficulties; they are… Continue Reading  

Naming Right(s)

Naming Right(s)

January 7, 2013  | Posted by: Patrick O'Keefe

What’s in a name? And when is a name more than just a name? In the world of business, a company’s moniker should represent everything that company stands for, including what makes it and its professionals stand out from the… Continue Reading