Forefront | Blog
Trump’s Real Estate Impact
How will President-elect Trump’s administration’s policies affect the housing/real estate market in 2017 and in his 4 years in office? This is a question that many of us have on our minds with multiple points to consider. Trump is a… Continue Reading
CMBS – Crack for Developers
The attractiveness of low interest rates, long maturities and high loan to value is often times a developer’s dream. The CMBS market provides these attributes which can entice property owners. The structure of the servicing of CMBS loans is two… Continue Reading
Knowledge is Power
Litigators often turn to financial experts to help their clients achieve maximum outcomes, set the risk parameters for settlement to achieve the proper results. In many cases, litigators bring in the financial experts late in the game. This is often… Continue Reading
The Goal Posts Are Moving – Strategy in the Face of a Changing Playing Field
With the latest round of international events (terrorist activity and BREXIT) creating financial uncertainty, we see a scenario where liquidity in the marketplace may become tight. We are currently advising clients to tie up their capital sources for longer term… Continue Reading
John Blight – A Simple Man
I was in Frankfort Saturday attending a funeral of a friend. The ceremony was in a simple church in a field. Very simple. The church was packed with old fraternity brothers, fellow board members, parishioners, neighbors, family, and friends. I… Continue Reading
Recommendation to Federal Government: Investigate Buying the Ambassador Bridge to get Gordie Howe Bridge Built
Too funny as this was mentioned in Crain’s this last week. The shocked look of the E-Trade baby as his buddy Frank is scratching lottery tickets as part of his retirement plan comes to mind. I am sure the E-Trade… Continue Reading
The Worth of a Name
By Nick Tolksdorf Your name is the only thing you have when you’re born, and it’s the only thing you take with you. The importance of understanding the worth of your name cannot be understated. Your reputation is the most… Continue Reading
“SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!” – How to make a powerful loan request
By Carolyn Riegler, CPA/CFE and Stephen Weber, CPA/CFF/CTA When seeking a loan, it pays to have a strong loan package to present to lenders, literally. Providing complete, accurate, and detailed information at the start of the process will give your… Continue Reading
Am I Maximizing My Company’s Value?
Everyone has their own opinion on how to maximize value. But while it’s true that every business is inherently different, there are some general guidelines that can be applied universally to all businesses. Below are four critical questions you should… Continue Reading
Saturation of Social Media
By Nick Tolksdorf In this day and age it seems everyone is connected to everything through social media accounts. Not surprisingly, this trend has extended to companies and corporations. As social media becomes dominant in virtually every aspect of our… Continue Reading