Forefront | Blog
Distressed States
With Governor Christie throwing his hat into the presidential ring of candidates I am wondering how much coverage will be made of New Jersey’s financial plight. While most of the focus has been on Greece, the bigger financial story will… Continue Reading
Golf Business Future
In the last few years, we have seen a number of golf course workouts. This has been fueled in part by a lack of demand for residential development around courses and a general decline in the popularity of golf. Golf… Continue Reading
Cloud Computing – 6 Key Considerations
As cloud-based offerings become mainstream for companies of any size, it is important to ensure the core components of the cloud provider agreement with the company meet the company’s expectations. Often, the provider can deliver a higher level of service,… Continue Reading
Litigation – Risks and Rewards
To litigate or not to litigate? Litigation management has become an integral part of success and failure in every business. One needs only look at the headlines to see the impact of properly, or poorly, managed litigation: General Motors battle… Continue Reading
How do we fix our Crumbling Roads and Bridges?
While recently driving on I-75 on our way to a long ski weekend, I couldn’t help but notice how the road was fraught with patched seams on areas of roadway that were less than 5 years old. Imagine my surprise… Continue Reading
The Emergence of the Private Real Estate Investor
The ever changing landscape of commercial real estate investment is being driven less and less by institutional investors in Middle America. Private investors, whether they are entrepreneurs, family offices, regional developers or lone wolves, are becoming more and more sophisticated… Continue Reading
Two Long Trends in Food and Agriculture
There are two multi-generational trends developing in the Food and Agriculture industries that could dramatically change the way we produce and consume food in the future; indoor agriculture and reduced carb consumption. Indoor Agriculture This is an exciting trend because… Continue Reading
The City of Detroit Emergence from Bankruptcy, A Fresh Start or the Emperor’s New Clothes?
While the legal and financial engineers have been taking a victory lap through parties and the lecture circuit over the past few months, I question whether Detroit is left in a sustainable position. The professionals have beaten their chests on… Continue Reading
Softening the Perception of the Corporation as a Defendant
Why are corporations perceived so poorly in the public eye? Public opinion polls show that 84% of all people believe corporations care only about the bottom line. Mass media feeds this perception by portraying corporations as dishonest and focused only… Continue Reading
Normalizing Owner’s Compensation
One of the most frequently encountered adjustments in business valuation is the normalization of owner’s compensation. The purpose of normalizing a business’ financial position and results of operations is not to restate the financial statements, but to help the valuator… Continue Reading