News & Insights

Tariffs – The First Step Down a Long Road

Tariffs – The First Step Down a Long Road

December 21, 2018

As published in Forefront By Anson Smuts “China’s laws, policies, practices, or actions that may be harming American intellectual property rights.” In August of 2017 the United States Trade Representative initiated an investigation under Section 301 of the of the Trade… Continue Reading  

Big Trouble in Big China

Big Trouble in Big China

December 21, 2018

As published in Forefront By Matthew Rizzo All of the rhetoric surrounding the current Trump tariffs has focused directly on how U.S. commerce will be affected. There has been little to no discussion of the effect the tariffs will have on other economies. China, who seems… Continue Reading  

Soybeans and Steel – the Tariff Wars

Soybeans and Steel – the Tariff Wars

July 31, 2018

Worldwide tariff wars have begun, and the pain will be felt by virtually every consumer and business in the U.S. Are you prepared to weather the storm? What can you do to keep up with the ever-changing landscape? From soybeans… Continue Reading  

Receivership Law Change in Michigan – we’re no longer the Wild West

Receivership Law Change in Michigan – we’re no longer the Wild West

July 3, 2018

As published in Forefront By Stephen Weber, Director As defined by Michigan law, a receivership is an equitable remedy allowing the court to oversee the orderly management and disposition of property subject to a lawsuit. A receiver is the court’s representative and… Continue Reading  

Inflation – A Business Owner’s Plan to Prepare

Inflation – A Business Owner’s Plan to Prepare

July 3, 2018

As published in Forefront By Bill Fetterman, Founder and Managing Partner of Advanced Manufacturing Group, LLC Inflationary pressures can be relentless on businesses and make owners feel powerless. Preparation for inflationary periods can be akin to preparing for any kind… Continue Reading  

The Evergreening of Patents

The Evergreening of Patents

July 3, 2018

As published in Forefront By Anson Smuts, Senior Associate The idealized lifecycle of a pharmaceutical patent goes something like this: a pharmaceutical company engages in lengthy and costly R&D to develop a new drug and have it approved, the drug… Continue Reading  

Reaching New Highs

Reaching New Highs

July 3, 2018

As published in Forefront By Matthew Rizzo, Director & Anson Smuts, Senior Associate As craft breweries strive to create novel beers in order to capture extra attention in this otherwise ultra-competitive industry, certain beer companies, such as Deschutes, are finding… Continue Reading  

Recycling for Patents

Recycling for Patents

July 3, 2018

As published in Forefront By Susan Koss, Partner and Managing Director [The pharmaceutical companies have been recycling and repurposing drugs rather than creating new medicines.] There has been a tremendous amount of media coverage surrounding the opioid crisis in America…. Continue Reading  

Prospering in an Uncertain Middle Market

Prospering in an Uncertain Middle Market

July 3, 2018

As published in Forefront By Mike Deighan, Managing Director On April 10, O’Keefe held its 6th Annual Middle Market Forum in conjunction with Northwood University. We presented the results of our middle market economic survey sent out to 3,000 bankers, private equity… Continue Reading  

New Drugs to Market

New Drugs to Market

July 3, 2018

As published in Forefront By Andrew Malec, Ph.D. Counter-intuitive to how most business executives think of federal agencies, Scott Gottlieb, head of the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), has spent his first year at the agency focusing on getting more drugs to… Continue Reading