O'Keefe in the News

Leadership Lowdown | Pat O’Keefe – Job vs Mission and Vision

Leadership Lowdown | Pat O’Keefe – Job vs Mission and Vision

February 25, 2025

Vic Verchereau welcomes Patrick O’Keefe, who is the Founder and CEO of O’Keefe.

Patrick M. O’Keefe is the Founder and CEO of O’Keefe, a transactional strategic and financial advisory firm. Mr. O’Keefe is recognized as an expert in the fields of strategic advisory services, corporate reorganization, turnaround consulting, valuation, and litigation support. Recently Pat’s organization was honored with two key awards. The “Turnaround Award (under $100MM)” for the successful turnaround of an injection molding and glass encapsulation manufacturing company. O’Keefe was able to secure price increases, develop a turnaround strategy and revise the capital structure to support the plan and prevent the company from liquidation which saved not only a 20+ year business, but numerous jobs. The second award for “Restructuring Community Impact Award” at Finlandia University. A University started for Finnish immigrants who came to Michigan for copper mining jobs, and by a mission pastor of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church, J.K. Nikander, to preserve Finnish culture and train Lutheran ministers.

O’Keefe’s fascinating work and perspective on a variety of topics is highly sought after and that is why Vic Verchereau has asked Pat back to again update us on his work and to offer his perspectives on important leadership issues. There is much to hear on this, the latest edition of the Leadership Lowdown! Don’t miss it!

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