O’Keefe has been named winner in the category of Best Litigation Consulting Services for the third year in a row and also Best Forensic Accounting Services by Michigan Lawyers Weekly Reader Rankings.
The poll, based on readers’ votes, ranked a variety of businesses that serve the legal community in several categories, including trial services, technology, advertising, financial institutions, and hospitality.
Pat O’Keefe quotes “good litigators get legal justice, but great litigators get financial justice by hiring professionals who have proven experience in quantifying economic damages with credibility and have an understanding of the litigation process from start to finish.”
O’Keefe professionals have testified numerous times in state and federal courts, depositions, mediation, and arbitration proceedings for a variety of litigious matters. We quantify our clients’ damages, assist in developing the financial aspects of litigation case strategies, and concisely convey complicated financial issues to courts and juries. Our findings are often used to provide the basis for settlement negotiations.”