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Voters reject most proposals to allow marijuana businesses
In the recent election many Michigan communities voted against proposals to allow marijuana businesses. There will always be regulatory hurdles applied at the local government level much like liquor licenses for the alcohol industry, but the stigma that still exists for the marijuana industry is very much alive and well. These municipalities that are rejecting marijuana related businesses are doing so based on the premise that if they do indeed allow these types of businesses in their municipality, crime and drug abuse will run rampant thus endangering the health and welfare of their citizens. To a certain point, they are not entirely incorrect due to the fact that these types of businesses are extremely cash heavy which can attract the criminal element as there are few banking options until the SAFE Banking Act has passed the Senate and signed into law by the President. Hopefully, allowing these businesses to bank freely will alleviate some of the stigma I just mentioned, but the stigma of the corner pot shop and the criminal element that hangs around with it will be difficult to overcome. This is why the licensing requirements are so strict. The requirements are there to ensure professional and clean businesses are opening up responsibly and with the proper resources and funding to responsibly serve the public.